How to make a fullstack dapp with React, Hardhat and ethers.js with examples

20 min readJun 18, 2021


In this post we will learn how to make a full stack dapp similar to the cover of this post. We will make a simple safe remote purchase escrow contract with Solidity. Then, write tests for them and build a frontend for it also.

You can find the original post here.

I referred The complete guide to full stack ethereum development to set up the development environment locally.

You can clone the code used for this post at the repository use $yarn to install dependencies used here.

Read Hardhat and ethers.js documentations also.

We will use the Metamask browser plugin for this tutorial.

Please, install it first to your browser if you don’t have it yet.

A red car image is used here to make the example more realistic. But, you can also use another product and edit some descriptions at the frontend code.

The commands you will use to locally develop the dapp used here will be these in order. You will need to use them only after you read this post if you want to make your own version.

# See your Solidity code for the contract 
# is ok and compile without any error or warning.
compile="npx hardhat compile",
# Write tests to see the smart contract code works
# as you expect for various situations.
test="npx hardhat test",
# Run local solidity development environment.
# It will set up dummy accounts that you can use to test.
serve="npx hardhat node",
# Upload your Solidity contract code to it
# before you run the frontend code.
deploy="npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost",
# Run your React frontend code.
start="react-scripts start",

Save them at package.json and use with $yarn compile etc or write a simple CLI if you want to save comments.

If you are not familiar with DeFi yet, you can read this post.

While testing your dapp, you will need some accounts and also it will helpful to take part in any community to help you.

If you don’t have any cryptocurrency wallet yet, you can make one at Binance.

If you are interested in learning ERC20 or BEP20 token, you can participate in this community to learn blockchain relevant stuffs.

If you want to learn more about BEP20, please read the documentation for it.

You can also buy and sell your crafts at Opensea.

There are also Solidity developer group and another one for job seekers.

If you need to hire a developer, you can contact me.

Table of contents

  1. Write the smart contract with Solidity
  2. Prepare the tests for it
  3. Set up Metamask with Hardhat
  4. Write the frontend code with React and ethers.js
  5. Conclusion

1. Write the smart contract with Solidity

If you are not familiar with Solidity and other Ethereum development relevant stuffs, you can refer to its official website.

The code used here is adapted from the official safe remote purchase example.

Please read the code below thoroughly first. I included explanation for it later.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
contract Escrow {
uint public price;
address payable public seller;
address payable public buyer;
// 1.
address[] previousBuyers;
// 2.
enum State { Sale, Locked, Release, Closed, Complete }
State public state; modifier condition(bool _condition) {
modifier onlyBuyer() {
msg.sender == buyer,
"Only buyer can call this."
modifier onlySeller() {
msg.sender == seller,
"Only seller can call this."
// 3.
modifier notSeller() {
msg.sender != seller,
"Seller shouldn't call this."
modifier inState(State _state) {
state == _state,
"Invalid state."
// 4.
event Closed(
uint256 when
event ConfirmPurchase(
uint256 when,
address by
event ConfirmReceived(
uint256 when,
address by
event SellerRefundBuyer(
uint256 when
event SellerRefunded(
uint256 when
event Restarted(
uint256 when
event End(
uint256 when
constructor() payable {
seller = payable(msg.sender);
price = msg.value / 2; require((2 * price) == msg.value, "Value has to be even.");
// 5.
function close()
state = State.Closed;
emit Closed(
function confirmPurchase()
condition(msg.value == (2 * price))
buyer = payable(msg.sender);
state = State.Locked;
emit ConfirmPurchase(
function confirmReceived()
state = State.Release;
buyer.transfer(price); // Buyer receive 1 x value here
emit ConfirmReceived(
// 6.
function refundBuyer()
// Give the option to the seller to refund buyer before sending a product(car) here.
state = State.Sale;
buyer = payable(0);
emit SellerRefundBuyer(
function refundSeller()
state = State.Complete;
seller.transfer(3 * price);
// 1.
emit SellerRefunded(
// 7.
function restartContract()
// inState(State.Complete)
if (state == State.Closed || state == State.Complete) {
require((2 * price) == msg.value, "Value has to be equal to what started the contract.");
state = State.Sale; // Reset buyer to allow the same buyer again.
buyer = payable(0);
// This doesn't work.
// buyer = address(0);
emit Restarted(
// 1.
function listPreviousBuyers()public view returns(address [] memory){
return previousBuyers;
// totalPreviousBuyers
function totalSales() public view returns(uint count) {
return previousBuyers.length;
function end()
if (state == State.Closed || state == State.Complete) {
// Should put End event before selfdestruct to update the frontend.
// 8.
emit End(
// state = State.End;
// This doesn't work.
// emit End(
// block.timestamp
// );

I hope you read the code already. To help you find what it does, we will suppose a real world events.

Say you are a car seller. You want to sell it with ETH and a smart contract used here.

First, you will have to deploy this to the Ethereum network. Then, after successful deployment, the state of the contract will be “Sale” as it is default state. There will be no buyer and only the seller(owner of the contract) will exist at this point.

You can either wait for a visitor to pay to be the buyer or close the contract if there were any problem before that happens.

If you could find a buyer and after his escrow payment(price * 2) with 2ETH, the state of the contract will be Locked. Then, you as the seller can send a car to user and wait for him to confirm he received it with confirmReceived.

Then, everything was ok and the buyer can extract the rest of his 1ETH for escrow and seller can do that also with his 3ETH including 1ETH for the car he sold.

This point, the contract did all its job well and ready for the seller to decide if he want to restart(resell another car) or end it.

Think various situations that can happen with this contract. This will help you find the details of the code and how they work.

1. We make a list of previous buyers and include it only when the seller decide to resell a contract. Other buyers (starting from the second buyer) can see the list before he decide to purchase or not.

2. The Enum values from Solidity returns int values(0, 1, 2, 3, 4) when we request contract state later with await Escrow.state().

We will write a converter(humanReadableEscrowState) for it later.

3. We will include notseller modifier not to allow the seller become a buyer at the same time.

4. You can see events that have almost the same name for functions below. We will use it to update the frontend part without refreshing the page later and show some console messages. Include variables you want to use from the blockchain here.

5. We emit events at the end of the functions after the state and other variables are modified. The exception is end function because after selfdestruct(seller); events will not work.

6. We include the refundBuyerfunction to give option to the seller refund a buyer when the state of the contract is Locked. Then, it can be restarted again or closed.

7. If the buyer decide to restart a contract, we require him to deposit 2EH again and include the previous buyer in the previous buyers list to help other future visitors can refer to it.

So these will be enough information to help you find what the contract do. The code used here is not validated yet. So, please use it as a reference and learning purpose only.

For we already have a smart contract ready, we will write tests for it to see if it will work as we expect. This will help you also when you want to update the contract and before editing the frontend part along with it.

Verify that your smart contract compiles with $yarn compile ($npx hardhat compile).

2. Prepare the tests for it

In the previous part, we prepared the Solidity contract code. Then, we will test each part of it to see it will work as we expect.

Before you read on, you can refer to the documentation for test from the Openzeppelin.

The code snippet used here is long so I will include explanation for them first. You can compare and refer to the frontend code we will see later with the code.

1. First, prepare what we will use for each test and be set at beforeEach for each test case below.

2. We deploy a contract for each test case with beforeEach. You can see we select only seller, firstBuyer, secondBuyer from the list of signers (accounts) given by Hardhat.

3. If you compare this part with event relevant code from the previous part, you can see we include code to use them here to use inside each test case.

4. These will test what the seller can do after he deploys the contract. You can see events and the contract state change is tested here after waiting for the function is called first with await. You can also see expectRevert from @openzeppelin/test-helpers are used to test the error message when revert happens.

5. These will test what the seller and buyer can do after a visitor becomes the first buyer. You can see
who can call the contract with escrow.connect method.

6. You can see the buyer can resell to the same buyer(first) or second buyer with the code below it. You can also see you should use to.deep.equal to compare arrays.

const { expect } = require("chai");
const { expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const humanReadableUnixTimestamp = (timestampInt) => {
return new Date(timestampInt * 1000);
describe("Escrow Events and State", function() { // 1.
let provider;
let Escrow, escrow, seller, firstBuyer, secondBuyer; // seller is owner
let closedEvent,
beforeEach(async () => {
provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider();
Escrow = await ethers.getContractFactory("Escrow");
escrow = await Escrow.deploy({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") });
// 2.
[seller, firstBuyer, secondBuyer, _] = await ethers.getSigners();
// 3.
closedEvent = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
escrow.on('Closed', (when, event) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error('timeout'));
}, 60000)
confirmPurchaseEvent = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
escrow.on('ConfirmPurchase', (when, by, event) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error('timeout'));
}, 60000)
sellerRefundBuyerEvent = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
escrow.on('SellerRefundBuyer', (when, event) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error('timeout'));
}, 60000)
confirmReceivedEvent = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
escrow.on('ConfirmReceived', (when, by, event) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error('timeout'));
}, 60000)
sellerRefundedEvent = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
escrow.on('SellerRefunded', (when, event) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error('timeout'));
}, 60000)
restartedEvent = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
escrow.on('Restarted', (when, event) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error('timeout'));
}, 60000)
endEvent = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
escrow.on('End', (when, event) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error('timeout'));
}, 60000)
// 4.
it("Should set the contract state to 'Closed'.", async function () {
expect(await escrow.seller()).to.equal(seller.address);
expect(await escrow.totalSales()).to.equal(0); // Should be 0
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(0); // Sale
// 4.
await escrow.close();
let event = await closedEvent;
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(3); // Closed
it("Should set the contract state to 'Closed' to 'Sale' again", async function () {
expect(await escrow.seller()).to.equal(seller.address);
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(0); // Sale // const beforeContractBalance = await provider.getBalance(escrow.address);
// console.log(ethers.utils.formatEther(beforeContractBalance));
// expect(ethers.utils.formatEther(beforeContractBalance)).to.equal(2);
// const beforeCloseSellerBalance = await provider.getBalance(seller.address);
// console.log(ethers.utils.formatEther(beforeCloseSellerBalance));
await escrow.close(); expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(3); // Closed await escrow.restartContract({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") });
let event = await restartedEvent;
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(0); // Sale
it("Should allow the seller to end the contract when the state is 'Closed'", async function () {
expect(await escrow.seller()).to.equal(seller.address);
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(0); // Sale await escrow.close(); expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(3); // Closed // Revert with the error message "Seller shouldn't call this"
// 4.
await expectRevert(escrow.connect(firstBuyer).end(), "Only seller can call this.");
await expectRevert(escrow.connect(secondBuyer).end(), "Only seller can call this.");
// Only seller can call this.
await escrow.end();
let event = await endEvent;
// 5.
it("Should set the contract state to 'Sale' to 'Locked' and refundSeller should fail and refundBuyer should work.", async function () {
expect(await escrow.seller()).to.equal(seller.address);
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(0); // Sale
expect(await escrow.buyer()).to.equal("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); // Not set yet, default // Revert with the error message "Seller shouldn't call this"
await expectRevert(escrow.confirmPurchase({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") }), "Seller shouldn't call this");
// How to set msg.sender for ether js?
// Use connect method
// 5.
await escrow.connect(firstBuyer).confirmPurchase({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") })
let event = await confirmPurchaseEvent;
expect(await escrow.buyer()).to.equal(firstBuyer.address);
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(1); // Locked
// When "Locked", shouldn't allow this. Revert with the error message "revert Invalid state"
await expectRevert(escrow.refundSeller(), "revert Invalid state");
await escrow.refundBuyer(); event = await sellerRefundBuyerEvent;
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(0); // Sale
expect(await escrow.buyer()).to.equal("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000");
Should set the contract state to 'Sale' -> 'Locked' -> 'Release' (First Buyer)
and allow refundSeller -> 'Complete' and contract should increase total sales. (Seller)
`, async function () {
expect(await escrow.seller()).to.equal(seller.address);
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(0); // Sale
expect(await escrow.buyer()).to.equal("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); // Not set yet, default // Revert with the error message "Seller shouldn't call this"
await expectRevert(escrow.confirmPurchase({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") }), "Seller shouldn't call this");
// How to set msg.sender for ether js?
// Use connect method
await escrow.connect(firstBuyer).confirmPurchase({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") })
expect(await escrow.buyer()).to.equal(firstBuyer.address);
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(1); // Locked
await escrow.connect(firstBuyer).confirmReceived(); let event = await confirmReceivedEvent;
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(2); // Released await escrow.refundSeller(); event = await sellerRefundedEvent;
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(4); // Complete
expect(await escrow.totalSales()).to.equal(1); // Complete
const firstPurchase = async () => {
expect(await escrow.seller()).to.equal(seller.address);
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(0); // Sale
expect(await escrow.buyer()).to.equal("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); // Not set yet, default // Revert with the error message "Seller shouldn't call this"
await expectRevert(escrow.confirmPurchase({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") }), "Seller shouldn't call this");
// How to set msg.sender for ether js?
// Use connect method
await escrow.connect(firstBuyer).confirmPurchase({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") })
expect(await escrow.buyer()).to.equal(firstBuyer.address);
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(1); // Locked
await escrow.connect(firstBuyer).confirmReceived(); expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(2); // Released await escrow.refundSeller(); expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(4); // Complete
expect(await escrow.totalSales()).to.equal(1); // Complete
// 6.
(First Buyer)
Should set the contract state to 'Sale' -> 'Locked' -> 'Release'
and allow refundSeller -> 'Complete' and contract should increase total sales.
Then, the seller can restart the contract.
`, async function () {
await firstPurchase(); await escrow.restartContract({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") }); expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(0); // Sale again
(First Buyer)
Should set the contract state to 'Sale' -> 'Locked' -> 'Release'
and allow refundSeller -> 'Complete' and contract should increase total sales.
Then, the seller can end the contract.
`, async function () {
await firstPurchase(); await escrow.restartContract({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") }); await escrow.end();
(First Buyer)
Should set the contract state to 'Sale' -> 'Locked' -> 'Release'
and allow refundSeller -> 'Complete' and contract should increase total sales.
Then, the seller can restart the contract.
(First Buyer)
Then, first buyer can rebuy
`, async function () {
await firstPurchase(); await escrow.restartContract({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") }); // expect(await escrow.seller()).to.equal(seller.address);
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(0); // Sale
expect(await escrow.buyer()).to.equal("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); // Not set yet, default // Revert with the error message "Seller shouldn't call this"
await expectRevert(escrow.confirmPurchase({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") }), "Seller shouldn't call this");
// How to set msg.sender for ether js?
// Use connect method
await escrow.connect(firstBuyer).confirmPurchase({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") })
expect(await escrow.buyer()).to.equal(firstBuyer.address);
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(1); // Locked
await escrow.connect(firstBuyer).confirmReceived(); expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(2); // Released await escrow.refundSeller(); expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(4); // Complete
expect(await escrow.totalSales()).to.equal(2); // Complete
(Second Buyer)
Should set the contract state to 'Sale' -> 'Locked' -> 'Release'
and allow refundSeller -> 'Complete' and contract should increase total sales.
Then, the seller can restart the contract
`, async function () {
await firstPurchase(); await escrow.restartContract({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") }); // Second Buyer expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(0); // Sale again
// Buyer should be reset;
expect(await escrow.buyer()).to.equal("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000");
// Repeat the almost same code for the second buyer.
// expect(await escrow.buyer()).to.equal(firstBuyer.address); // Yet, First Buyer
// Revert with the error message "Seller shouldn't call this"
await expectRevert(escrow.confirmPurchase({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") }), "Seller shouldn't call this");
await escrow.connect(secondBuyer).confirmPurchase({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") }) // New buyer
expect(await escrow.buyer()).to.equal(secondBuyer.address);
expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(1); // Locked
await escrow.connect(secondBuyer).confirmReceived(); expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(2); // Released await escrow.refundSeller(); expect(await escrow.state()).to.equal(4); // Complete expect(await escrow.totalSales()).to.equal(2); // One more purchase await escrow.restartContract({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") }); // 6.
// Without deep, it fails here.
expect(await escrow.listPreviousBuyers()).to.deep.equal([firstBuyer.address, secondBuyer.address])

There are a lot of code here but you can take only what you want to use later.

Test the code with $yarn test and you will see somewhat similar to this and passing tests.

Creating Typechain artifacts in directory typechain for target ethers-v5
Successfully generated Typechain artifacts!

We verified the code for test is working as we expected in this part.

So the backend part of our dapp is almost ready. Before we handle the frontend part, we need to set up Metamask to test it with accounts from your local Hardhat.

3. Set up Metamask with Hardhat

To use the Solidity code we read before with the frontend code , we need to run local blockchain first with $yarn serve ($npx hardhat node) command.

It will show a few free accounts similar to this with free 10000ETH for each of them.

$npx hardhat node
Started HTTP and WebSocket JSON-RPC server at
Account #0: 0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266 (10000 ETH)
Private Key: 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80
Account #1: 0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8 (10000 ETH)
Private Key: 0x59c6995e998f97a5a0044966f0945389dc9e86dae88c7a8412f4603b6b78690d
Account #2: 0x3c44cdddb6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12fa4293bc (10000 ETH)
Private Key: 0x5de4111afa1a4b94908f83103eb1f1706367c2e68ca870fc3fb9a804cdab365a

Then, deploy your contract at another console with $yarn deploy($npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost) command.

Launch your Metamask plugin at your browser.

Then, include at least three of the free account above to it.

Then, set their name to seller, first buyer and second buyer.

Update detail

Update the Metamask account name

We are just doing the same thing we have done in the previous part for test with Metamask to help you use frontend with it later.

[seller, firstBuyer, secondBuyer, _] = await ethers.getSigners();

Hope you could include them without any issue.

Later, if you find a nonce issue while testing this contract with frontend various times, you can redefine your account and test again.


4. Write the frontend code with React and ethers.js

We prepared everything to write the frontend part of our smart contract code. If you already read it at GitHub, you will find the main logic is at App.js file.

You can see some parts are almost identical to the test file we read before. Others are for CSS and modules to help show the datas used here better.

So, I will explain only the most important parts.

1. We allow the seller, a visitor, the buyer to use the functions we defined at the first part of this post depending on the state of the contract.

2. Then, we update the frontend app state inside its blockchain event listeners with contract.on() and their callback functions.

import { useEffect, useState, createRef } from 'react';
import { Contract, ethers } from 'ethers'
import moment from "moment";import { Container, Dimmer, Loader, Grid, Sticky, Message } from 'semantic-ui-react';
import 'semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css';
import Escrow from './artifacts/contracts/Escrow.sol/Escrow.json'import {
} from "./formatters";
import ContractDetails from "./components/ContractDetails";
import Balance from "./components/Balance";
import Seller from "./components/users/Seller";
import Visitor from "./components/users/Visitor";
import Buyer from "./components/users/Buyer";
import PreviousBuyers from "./components/PreviousBuyers";
// localhost
const escrowAddress = "0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3"
// Move this to context?
const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);
const contract = new ethers.Contract(escrowAddress, Escrow.abi, provider);
// Show metamask for users to decide if they will pay or not
async function requestAccount() {
try {
await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });
} catch (error) {
alert("Login to Metamask first");
function App() {
const [contractEnd, setContractEnd] = useState(true);
const [escrow, setEscrow] = useState({
state: null,
balance: 0,
price: 1, // 1 ETH by default
sales: 0,
previousBuyers: [],
// Use object instead?
const [seller, setSeller] = useState();
const [sellerBalance, setSellerBalance] = useState();
// Use object instead?
const [buyer, setBuyer] = useState();
const [buyerBalance, setBuyerBalance] = useState();
// Use object instead?
const [user, setUser] = useState();
const [userBalance, setUserBalance] = useState();
const [role, setRole] = useState(); useEffect(() => {
async function fetchData() {
try {
// 2.
// Contract event handlers
contract.on("Closed", async (when, event) => {
event.removeListener(); // Solve memory leak with this.
const contractState = await contract.state();
// const contractState = await contract.showState();
const contractBalance = await provider.getBalance(contract.address);
const previousBuyers = await contract.listPreviousBuyers();
state: humanReadableEscrowState(contractState), // Easier
// state: await contractState.toString(),
balance: ethers.utils.formatEther(contractBalance.toString()),
const contractSeller = await contract.seller();
const contractSellerBalance = await provider.getBalance(contractSeller);
// console.log("when");
// console.log(when);
// console.log(humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when));
console.log("Event - Closed");
console.log(`State - ${humanReadableEscrowState(contractState)}`);
console.log(`${moment(humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when)).fromNow()} - ${humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when)}`)
contract.on("ConfirmPurchase", async (when, by, event) => {
event.removeListener(); // Solve memory leak with this.
const contractState = await contract.state();
const contractBalance = await provider.getBalance(contract.address);
const previousBuyers = await contract.listPreviousBuyers();
state: humanReadableEscrowState(contractState),
balance: ethers.utils.formatEther(contractBalance.toString()),
const contractBuyerBalance = await provider.getBalance(by);
console.log("This visitor became the buyer of this contract");
// console.log("when");
// console.log(when);
// console.log(humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when));
console.log("Event - ConfirmPurchase");
console.log(`By - ${by}`);
console.log(`State - ${humanReadableEscrowState(contractState)}`);
console.log(`${moment(humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when)).fromNow()} - ${humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when)}`)
contract.on("SellerRefundBuyer", async (when, event) => {
event.removeListener(); // Solve memory leak with this.
const contractState = await contract.state();
// const contractBalance = await provider.getBalance(contract.address);
// const previousBuyers = await contract.listPreviousBuyers();
state: humanReadableEscrowState(contractState),
// balance: ethers.utils.formatEther(contractBalance.toString()),
// previousBuyers,
console.log("This seller refunded the buyer of this contract"); // console.log("when");
// console.log(when);
// console.log(humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when));
console.log("Event - SellerRefundBuyer");
console.log(`State - ${humanReadableEscrowState(contractState)}`);
console.log(`${moment(humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when)).fromNow()} - ${humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when)}`)
contract.on("ConfirmReceived", async (when, by, event) => {
event.removeListener(); // Solve memory leak with this.
const contractState = await contract.state();
const contractBalance = await provider.getBalance(contract.address);
const previousBuyers = await contract.listPreviousBuyers();
state: humanReadableEscrowState(contractState),
balance: ethers.utils.formatEther(contractBalance.toString()),
const contractBuyerBalance = await provider.getBalance(by);
console.log("Event - ConfirmReceived");
console.log(`By - ${by}`);
console.log(`State - ${humanReadableEscrowState(contractState)}`);
console.log(`${moment(humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when)).fromNow()} - ${humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when)}`)
contract.on("SellerRefunded", async (when, event) => {
event.removeListener(); // Solve memory leak with this.
const contractState = await contract.state();
const contractBalance = await provider.getBalance(contract.address);
const previousBuyers = await contract.listPreviousBuyers();
state: humanReadableEscrowState(contractState),
balance: ethers.utils.formatEther(contractBalance.toString()),
const contractSeller = await contract.seller();
const contractSellerBalance = await provider.getBalance(contractSeller);
console.log("Event - SellerRefunded");
console.log(`State - ${humanReadableEscrowState(contractState)}`);
console.log(`${moment(humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when)).fromNow()} - ${humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when)}`)
contract.on("Restarted", async (when, event) => {
const contractState = await contract.state();
const contractBalance = await provider.getBalance(contract.address);
const previousBuyers = await contract.listPreviousBuyers();
state: humanReadableEscrowState(contractState),
balance: ethers.utils.formatEther(contractBalance.toString()),
const contractSeller = await contract.seller();
const contractSellerBalance = await provider.getBalance(contractSeller);
console.log("Event - Restarted");
console.log(`State - ${humanReadableEscrowState(contractState)}`);
console.log(`${moment(humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when)).fromNow()} - ${humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when)}`);
contract.on("End", async (_when, _event) => {
// This doesn't work
// event.removeListener();
// console.log("Event - End");
// console.log(`${moment(humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when)).fromNow()} - ${humanReadableUnixTimestamp(when)}`)
// Contract State
const contractState = await contract.state()
const contractBalance = await provider.getBalance(contract.address);
const contractPrice = await contract.price()
// const contractSales = await contract.totalSales();
const contractPreviousBuyers = await contract.listPreviousBuyers();
// console.log(contractPreviousBuyers);
state: humanReadableEscrowState(contractState),
balance: ethers.utils.formatEther(contractBalance.toString()),
price: ethers.utils.formatEther(contractPrice.toString()),
// sales: contractSales.toString(),
previousBuyers: contractPreviousBuyers,
const contractSeller = await contract.seller();
const contractSellerBalance = await provider.getBalance(contractSeller);
const contractBuyer = await contract.buyer()
const contractBuyerBalance = await provider.getBalance(contractBuyer);
setBuyerBalance(ethers.utils.formatEther(contractBuyerBalance)); // Should make this part work again.
const signer = provider.getSigner(); // user const contractUser = await signer.getAddress();
const contractUserBalance = await provider.getBalance(contractUser);
if (contractUser === contractSeller) {
} else if (contractUser === contractBuyer) {
} else {
} catch (error) {
}, []);
// 1. Event functions
async function close() {
if (!escrow.state || escrow.state !== "Sale") {
if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
await requestAccount()
const signer = provider.getSigner(); // Your current metamask account; // console.log("signer");
// console.log(signer);
const forClose = new ethers.Contract(escrowAddress, Escrow.abi, signer); const transaction = await forClose.close();
await transaction.wait();
// Visitor
async function purchase() {
if (!escrow.state || escrow.state !== "Sale") {
if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
await requestAccount()
const signer = provider.getSigner(); // Your current metamask account;
const forPurchase = new ethers.Contract(escrowAddress, Escrow.abi, signer);
const transaction = await forPurchase.confirmPurchase({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") });
await transaction.wait();
async function receive() {
if (!escrow.state || escrow.state !== "Locked") {
if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
await requestAccount()
const signer = provider.getSigner(); // Your current metamask account;
const contract = new ethers.Contract(escrowAddress, Escrow.abi, signer);
const transaction = await contract.confirmReceived();
await transaction.wait();
async function refundBuyer() {
if (!escrow.state || escrow.state !== "Locked") return
if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
await requestAccount()
const signer = provider.getSigner(); // Your current metamask account; const forRefund = new ethers.Contract(escrowAddress, Escrow.abi, signer);
const transaction = await forRefund.refundBuyer();
await transaction.wait();
async function refundSeller() {
if (!escrow.state || escrow.state !== "Release") return
if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
await requestAccount()
const signer = provider.getSigner(); // Your current metamask account; const forRefund = new ethers.Contract(escrowAddress, Escrow.abi, signer);
const transaction = await forRefund.refundSeller();
await transaction.wait();
// call currentEscrowState here and it will show you inactive at the screen
// fetchGreeting()
async function restart() {
if (!escrow.state) return
// if (!escrow.state || escrow.state !== "Closed" || escrow.state !== "Complete" ) return
if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
await requestAccount()
const signer = provider.getSigner(); // Your current metamask account; const forRestart = new ethers.Contract(escrowAddress, Escrow.abi, signer);
const transaction = await forRestart.restartContract({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2.0") });
await transaction.wait();
async function end() {
if (!escrow.state) return
// if (!escrow.state || escrow.state !== "Closed" || escrow.state !== "Complete") return
if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
await requestAccount()
const signer = provider.getSigner(); // Your current metamask account; const forEnd = new ethers.Contract(escrowAddress, Escrow.abi, signer);
const transaction = await forEnd.end();
await transaction.wait();
// End event
if (!contractEnd) {
return null;
if (!escrow.state) {
return null;
// const contextRef = createRef(); let balance;
if (role === "seller") {
balance = sellerBalance
} else if (role === "buyer") {
balance = buyerBalance;
} else {
balance = userBalance;
return (
<Sticky >
// setAccountAddress={setAccountAddress}
<div style={{
// borderTop: "1px solid black",
margin: "0 auto",
display: "flex",
flexFlow: "column",
alignItems: "center",
background: "#efefef",
minHeight: "100vh",
// lastEdited={lastEdited}
<br /> {escrow.previousBuyers.length > 0 && <div style={{
width: "28rem",
marginBottom: "1.5rem",
border: "1px solid black",
borderRadius: "0.5rem",
padding: "0.5rem 1rem 1rem 1rem",
background: "white",
}} ><PreviousBuyers previousBuyers={escrow.previousBuyers} /></div>}
{role && <div style={{
width: "28rem",
marginBottom: "1.5rem",
border: "1px solid black",
borderRadius: "0.5rem",
padding: "0.5rem 1rem 1rem 1rem",
background: "white",
}} >
{role === "seller" && <Seller
{role === "visitor" && <Visitor
// balance={userBalance}
escrowState={escrow.state} purchase={purchase}
{role === "buyer" && <Buyer
escrowState={escrow.state} receive={receive}
export default App;

You can test the code used at your browser with

$yarn start

Then, it will show somewhat similar to the images you saw at the first part.

Test each button and situations as the seller, a visitor, first buyer, second buyer etc. You will see the page is updated for each request for blockchain with functions we defined before.

Test it with first buyer and second buyer and you can see the previous buyer list appears at your browser and total sales became 2.

Hope you could make it and earned 2ETH as a seller like the image above.

You can see also balances are modified along with them.

If you have enough time or have a paying client, you can attempt to update the frontend part with React Context or Redux or whatever and extract CSS with baseweb.

4. Conclusion

In this post, we learnt how to write a full stack dapp with React, Hardhat and ethers js.

If you followed this post well, the commands I gave you at the beginning of this post will be enough to test your dapp locally.

Update the smart contract with what interests you and make your own projects.

It was a decent learning opportunity to prepare and write this blog post.

If you liked the post, please share it with others. I am plan to share more blockchain relevant stuffs. I am interested in ETH and POLKADOT.

If you need to hire a developer, you can contact me.

I can write a full stack app.

If you want to update the example used here, refer to this post.




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